On June 2nd, Jupiter forms a trine with Pluto, and this long-term aspect only perfects once. This aspect can get us in touch with our deeply buried ambitions. It’s a time of heightened influence, faith, and insight. The desire for more significance can lead us to give or motivate us to pursue our goals more ambitiously.
This transit enhances our abilities of persuasion and we might seek to better ourselves. Resolving long-standing problems is in focus and untapped resources can be harnessed. This transit empowers us to channel our ambitions and the power to organize. It is an ideal time for personal and professional growth.
Both new ventures and projects already in progress can thrive. This powerful aspect can lead to a stronger sense of confidence, increased ambition, and resourcefulness. We may see opportunities where we previously saw obstacles and our pursuits can have more depth and power.
On June 6th, the New Moon in Gemini, prompts a new beginning, particularly with communications and mental orientation. By tuning in to positive Gemini energy, we can learn through others by being curious and we can improve our social and communication skills. We open our minds to more information and we learn to enjoy the variety of different personalities around us.
This lunation aligns with Venus and forms a square to Saturn. Some blocks, obstacles, or reality checks are likely before we embark on a new path. The desire for more harmony, love, pleasure, or better relationships can be very real now, motivating new beginnings.
On June 21st, a Full Moon occurs in Capricorn. This lunation reminds us that we can’t ignore our commitments. We need to take care of our responsibilities, tend to business, act with maturity, and take charge. Solid and practical ideas are associated with the realizations and epiphanies occurring now. This moon forms a square to Neptune and we should watch for deception and self-deception. We might also consider that we can be reacting to disillusionment.
On June 29th, Saturn turns retrograde, and it will continue to travel in backward motion until November 15th. While Saturn is retrograde, we review our responsibilities and commitments more than deal with them directly. There can be more than the usual guilt and self-doubt as we internalize fears, but there is also the chance to reassess our commitments.
On June 20 the Summer Solstice occurs at 20:46 UTC. The North Pole will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its northernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north latitude. This is the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the Southern Hemisphere.
The summer solstice is when the sun is at its furthest point from the equator, making it the longest day of the year. It has been marked as the high point of summer, or midsummer, since the Neolithic era.
Pagans celebrate the summer solstice, also known as Litha, with rituals that honor the sun, fertility, and the shift from winter to summer.
Origins of the summer solstice
The solstice sits within a wider celestial framework, complemented by seasonal equinoxes marking spring and autumn as well as daily, monthly and annual cycles.
In Northern and Central European Neolithic cultures, the summer solstice may have been related to timings of crop cycles. It was typically marked by Celtic, Slavic and Germanic people by lighting bonfires, intended to boost the sun’s strength for the remainder of the crop season and ensure a healthy harvest.
Many Neolithic stone circles appear to have been built around the movement of the sun at solstices. Large stones appear to be carefully positioned to align with the sun’s movements on summer and winter solstices. Stones which were placed at the axis of a particular solstice were shaped with hammerstones to frame the sunrise for those standing in the centre of the circle.
Summer solstice and Midsummer’s Day
Midsummer is a culturally significant holiday in Sweden that has its roots in ancient pagan rites. Though it might seem that the middle of summer would naturally fall on the longest day of the year, the summer solstice and Midsummer’s Day are distinct events, normally a few days apart between 20 and 24 June. The difference is thought to stem from variations in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
The longest day has been marked in different ways over the years and has its own set of customs. Some are based on practical needs. Others originate from spiritual and superstitious beliefs.
Lighting and jumping over bonfires on Midsummer’s Eve dates to pre-Christian pagan customs. It was thought to keep demons away and bring good luck to lovers.
The solstice was particularly important in Nordic communities, where seasonal changes in sunlight are dramatic. The Vikings used the long days to maximise their productivity by hunting, settling disputes, and conducting raids.
After the Christian Church was established, solstice celebrations were combined with St John’s Day, commemorating St John the Baptist. In the 19th century, Christians used St John’s Day to act out the baptisms of children who had died as pagans.
Mysticism and magic are a common theme in midsummer folklore across the world as well as in the UK. Magic was thought to be strongest during the summer solstice and myths told of the world turning upside down or the sun standing still at midsummer.
Some summer solstice rituals you can do:
Fill your day with music. Watch the sunrise (and sunset). Bask in the early morning sun. Reflect and find balance. Sun salutations, also known as Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit, involves 108 sun salutations to honor the sun's energy.
Go on a nature walk to appreciate the season or wear protective garlands and flowers to ward off evil spirits. Invite nature in with flower arrangements and herbs. Create a brew of summer herbs. Build altars with candles and natural elements, and then sing and perform ceremonies within the circle.
Pull an all-nighter. Make a sacrifice. Dance through a fire. During fire ceremonies, bonfires are lit to stay up all night and await the sunrise. People may also dance around the fire, bless plants and animals with herbs, or cast items into the fire for protection or good fortune.